Stephen Hawking: An Unfettered Mind (Macsci)
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Here are some of the great features of Stephen Hawking: An Unfettered Mind (Macsci)
Stephen Hawking has beenan iconic figure inphysics for the last half a century,making many groundbreaking discoveries on the nature of the universe. Yet while his mind roams to the farthest corners of reality, his body has become increasingly trapped bythe advanceof Lou Gehrig’s disease, whichhas bound himto awheelchair, without speech or movement except for a few facial muscles. Told in his youth that he would not live past his 20s, Hawking will turn 70 in 2012, and today he continues to inspire millions, drawing rock-concert-sized crowds wherever he lectures. Science writer Kitty Ferguson has been working with Stephen Hawking for decades, and producedan internationally bestsellingbiography of his life in 1992. Now, she brings his life as well as his scientific discoveries up-to-date. This is a remarkable look at how one of the greatest scientific mind alive overcame the odds to become the truly inspirational figure he is today.
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